Thrasymachus blog post


There's no life guard on the gene pool!

by Thrasymachus,Jan/31/2019

If you can live inside a slogan or mythology or little self-help story, you may be extremely simple, like a child. Children who never learn to use reason as they span time are simpletons. Simpletons may be born into their simplicity, or they may inculcate it through choosing belief over thinking, and some may believe they've found profundity in children's stories and they wish to be recognized as deep thinkers by the other. More likely is that it's just more croaking of old bog toads, because they can't handle the silence and they are doings rather than beings. There are entire continents wherein the space-time specifics, the accidents of one's birth means your likelihood to survive to adulthood is nearly nothing, which in turn means many parents watch their children die, starvation and disease seeming to ignore positive thinking and uplifting children's stories croaking in the bog in hopes of producing toad guru worshipers. What's their problem? Why do they keep reproducing and dying? Maybe they don't pray the right way, or perhaps your comical blind idiot god got its own son tortured and murdered so the reality of lying to ourselves is easier to overlook. My guess is in the title box. My evidence is all around us. Believe nothing, and what remains shall be actual. Easy stuff...

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