Thrasymachus blog post


"When did you fall in love for the first time?"

by Thrasymachus,Feb/25/2019

I was about 5 years old, and my first love was a kitten about of about 6 weeks old, and yes, it was genuine article love. When it comes to human women,the fact is that I fall in love way too fast and easy; I wonder how it is that everyone doesn't, I mean, no joke here, I have never had even a one night stand with someone I wasn't in love with for at least that one night. (Seriously. I'm not joking.) It isn't love's fault we wish it would be permanent. Take love on its own terms and you'll ride this same crazy fun roller-coaster I'm on, I betcha. (If the question were, "When did you fall in love most recently?" I'd have to say yesterday - but I haven't been outside yet today, so...)

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Feb/26/2019

    I can relate. I can fall in love fast and easy as well, but some have trouble understanding how that's possible. I guess I can't blame them for that, it's crazy! It leads to a lot of hurt, but it's always worth it somehow. I don't know how to be any other way. Sadly, I don't even remember who my first love was. Everything back then is a blur now when I look back. So much was going on with me back then and most of it wasn't good or worth remembering.

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Feb/26/2019

    Some things are the way they are in the individual human experience, and then Merck makes drugs to homogenize us back into being normal cogs in the economic machinery of polite Western society. Screw that - I'm okay with how weird I am: no illusions nor delusions: and if I'm going to medicate I'll do it myself and maybe learn something along the way (learned a lot this New Year's Eve -hah!). Hey -when I read your name, the words "Gohan Sebastian Bacchus" run through my mind for some (or no) reason.

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Feb/26/2019

    I'm ok with how weird I am too and yes, isn't it weird how the most effective "medicines" are outlawed? That is changing fast though and hooray for that!

    As far as love, I've learned through life (and some big errors) that I am pretty good at reading people and if I feel that... ineffable quality deep inside of someone, in those cases I can fall in love very easy. Most of the time, they become long term relationships full of just as much (and more) love 1-2 years later as it was in the beginning. It is not a fickle thing. I can tell within the first few minutes of talking to someone whether they have that ineffable quality or not. I don't find it much, but when I do, I go for it and I can open up to them very easy. It's like I can see past someone's outer shell and protection mechanisms. Not always, but often. Some people are hard to get a feel for. I think it's also because I think anything worth doing is worth doing all the way and I think a really good way to get the best out of someone is to give them your best. It's like a gesture of good faith. "Hey, I want to know you and I'm serious." and I'm like an open book to them. I can only do this with one person at a time, though. That's probably a good thing.

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Feb/26/2019

    Fun fact about Bach. He married his cousin. lol .. Like Einstein, Darwin, FDR, Rudy Guilliani and so on. I stumbled on this during one of my many unexpected adventures into the black holes of the internet during research. I was surprised at how common cousin marriages are and have been throughout history and how overblown the "risks" are. Fascinating. I won't be marrying my cousin, though.

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Feb/26/2019

    You're slayin' me here! No ineffable cousins I suppose. I recently read that Oregon is trying to legalize mushrooms - hope is free. Bacchus is my kind of god...

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Feb/26/2019

    Btw - when I click your tag or pic to see your profile, I get a 404 error instead. Just you.

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Feb/26/2019

    Mushrooms are legal in New Mexico, I believe. Oregon and California are going to try to do it. I never got much into alcohol, though. I can drink socially, but I never liked being drunk even though Bacchus (wine) is tasty. lol .. Um, I don't know. I'm usually in VIP mode. I didn't know it produced a 404 though. I can view my profile. I don't think it's supposed to do that. I'll take it off.

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Feb/26/2019

    Colorado too with the mushrooms. Psilocybin is going the way of weed which is great. Have you read the studies for psilocybin and the long term effects they have on people? An 85% success rate for getting people to quit cigarettes? High success rate in curing people of drug addiction? It's criminal that it's been stigmatized and illegal for so long. It's about time really.

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