Thrasymachus blog post


"You have inherited $1000000. How would you spend it?"

by Thrasymachus,Mar/05/2019

Well I'd buy that '73 Pantera I've been drooling over, hire Tool to play a party at my house, and spend the rest on drugs and alcohol for the party. Remember, I'll be dead in a week or less - my Pantera goes about 220 mph and I'm gonna be too loaded to drive well, so don't give me any shit about how irresponsible that is blowing all the money like that; I don't want to hear it. (Or....maybe not, maybe I'd buy this motel I'm currently managing, spend a few bucks on some upgrades on it, that new Jeep Grand Cherokee is nice and wouldn't murder me, and save the rest for traveling, buying books, food and clothes for the poor, etc. I'm not sure. I guess it depends on the mood I'm in at the reading of the will (I'm very moody -the only difference I see between myself and someone with multiple personality disorder is that mine are all named Rob Monk)).

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    By Gab ,Mar/05/2019

    If I inherited that large amount...and if YOU and GOHAN dont have much.. I will give some of my money to both of you including those SOULS who have been, all of YOU can enjoy your LIVES to the FULLEST.. I know MONEY CANT BUY HAPPINESS, but at least, it CAN buy YOU and GOHAN your dream car😁😁 - the most expensive one😁..

    The rest, I will travel to SEOUL, KOREA and make an appointment to date SO JI SUB!😍😍

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Mar/05/2019

    Geez Gab, that's so sweet! If you win I'll take the bitchin' Cherokee over the Pantera for a savings of, like, $166,000 and my life. Hahahaha....I hope you win! (Also - I modify my lottery dead relative winnings dream to include buying you a nice ride too.)

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    By Gab ,Mar/05/2019

    Thats not being SWEET! ... Im NOT sweet.. If I share, is because am being generous and kind.... after all, what am I going to do with that soooo much
    amount if I wont share it to people?... it is not a result of my HARD WORK and its obviously a blessing (something that is freely given), so, its just BEST to give it to people who needs it... will a brand new car (dream car) make YOU and GOHAN happy? Or is it not yet enough? I can give both of you MORE, you guys only have to name it..😂😂😂

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Mar/05/2019

    I'd be pretty stoked with the Jeep, but I'm already about as happy as people ought to be without having anymore stuff; I mean, stuff is cool, but not-stuff is cool too (and it is generous and kind, which I shortened into 'sweet' - I think maybe I have a different connotation associated with that word than yourself, maybe, probably). Have you ever heard this funny old cliche: "Life is like a shit sandwich. The more bread you've got, the less shit you have to taste." ? I'm not saying I agree, but I definitely see where the author was coming from.

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Mar/06/2019

    Cars and money wouldn't make me happy. I don't really want those cars. I'd get into trouble. I don't know how I'd spend it. I probably wouldn't be in any rush. The things that would make me happy have nothing to do with money. :P

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    By Gab ,Mar/06/2019

    No one in this world doesnt need money...Everything costs with will you survive without it? STOP pretending it WONT make you happy in a way!....Everybody needs it! Eeeeerrrr!..who would not nowadays?.. it may not make you may not like cars (but u have a dream car-duh!😊)...but you need it...everyone needs it for our everyday SURVIVAL!..

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Mar/06/2019

    Temporarily, maybe. I wouldn't buy those cars even if I like them a lot. I don't have much interest in living a lavish lifestyle. I am happy with little. Besides, I don't want family and friends to think I'm their personal bank and ask me for money all the time. Lottery winners are generally not happy. Sure, i would spend some on myself, but would give a lot of it away. I don't want the headaches.

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    By Gab ,Mar/06/2019

    I dont understand why you always like to sound plain... nothings wrong if you like to live that way..its a normal kind of living...but WHAT IF you have given a chance to hand that large amount, will you not be able to spend it and experience life that something you havent experienced your whole life? Haaalllleeerrr!.. its not everyday in your life you'll be able to experience it..its a CHANCE already.. why NOT grab the opportunity and live life the way how you dreamed it .... stop pretending you dont have those kind of aspirations..everybody does!.. as Ive cant buy happiness, its TRUE..but it can buy you a loooooottt of things you need.... why do u have to worry about those friends and family? Give them their SHARES..its up to them how they will spend it.. you can set a rules.. ONCE IS ENOUGH! whether they have to follow it or not... you are not going to give them money again... SIMPLE!... you dont have to complicate the situations that can cause you headache..

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Mar/06/2019

    It turns "wants" into "needs", though. I have everything I need right now.. that money can buy. I would build a house in a secluded area and life off the grid with solar/wind power in peace, but I wouldn't want to live alone. I could grow my own food and maybe have a farm. "Lavish" to me is living expensively outwardly. I would find a way to anonymously use the money to help people in my community or state and anyone else I want to. I don't want extra attention. I don't want to be treated differently because I have money. It would be harder to know who really cares about you and who only cares about you because of what you can do for them. I can think of numerous disadvantages to a huge windfall of cash. It can be destructive and damaging to people and I don't think enough attention gets paid to that side of it.

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Mar/06/2019

    It would make me much happier using it to help people than it would to spend it on myself excessively.

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    By Gab ,Mar/06/2019

    It is not about "who cares" and "whos there" MANY would APPEAR for sure! ... because it is normal to have an instant relatives and friends if they know you have that large amount.. claiming they are your relatives even if theyre not is a normal things you must handle.... its only how you deal properly these people and the can always have an option how you spend the you can live your life... but DONT ever say you dont need may not need things.. but you need money the most.. everybody does.

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Mar/06/2019

    Of course we all need money, but too much isn't good and can go to people's heads. I think if I had all that money, I wouldn't tell anyone about it. I would still want to help others, so I would try to do it anonymously or in a discreet way. I don't WANT to deal with that stuff you mentioned. It would make me hate my life and resent people. I don't want that.

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Mar/06/2019

    You could start an Eliot Rosewater Foundation.

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