ThuhL blog posts

  • ThuhL

    If you had to choose between 1001 lovers & 1 lover—Which would you choose? Why? How so? Explain ...

    by ThuhL,Sep/03/2020

    I would choose one lover because 1 would be so many for me that even a Zegabillion lovers would be scared of me. They'd be scared of me because after loving each one purely—well—they would start to get scared. For instance, if there ever was a raffle where I'd win 1001 lovers versus 1 lover that admitted his love to me while I'm just walking to the store; I'd just give it up to a poor chick or ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    What occupation do you specialize on? Why? How? Explain ...

    by ThuhL,Sep/01/2020

    I am a Freelanced, General Assistant (non-profit)—it feeds my soul—Some stuff I do is provide accurate information such as topics on the idea of the Universe; help move furniture; (it's not exactly a word out here but .. ) Spiritualization which is a type of, for example, remedying of unsettled souls. I came about with the occupation; know it or not, through my imagination! I was bored so I got ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    How does your ordinary day look like? And, how so? Why? Explain ...

    by ThuhL,Sep/01/2020

    The valley of Las Vegas, NV—as weird as it may sound—should be an oasis. Since, of course, palm trees still grow here. However, it's long begun known that its a desert! IDK, I just find that estranged. Well—A typical day for me is as if unluck versus luck versus unluck, again, is unluck some more (full legalization of all variations of LGBTQIA+ Human Rights throughout the globe, anyone?—Even the ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    Do you like to sleep longer or to wake up early? Why? Explain ...

    by ThuhL,Aug/30/2020

    —I sleep still excessively due to personal mishaps during High School; it's a condition called hypersomnia which is the opposite of insomnia as to where someone has little to no sleep over a troubled period. I notice it's healed over the years however so it's not that I enjoy sleeping longer—I have to. I prefer rising early because "Early bird catches the worm of inspiration." I've been ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    When did you fall in love for the first time? How did it go?

    by ThuhL,Aug/17/2020

    It was a "love-at-first-sight" High School crush that lasted about 5 years. I thought he was the most handsome yet delicate thing I ever set my eyes upon, comparing his skin to the gently fallen snow-capped mountains, his dark hair to the deepest corners beyond the universe. His lack of attention to me, however, added to the murky sadness that I was already enduring—we didn't even become friends. ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    What telephone do you use? What telephone would you like to buy?

    by ThuhL,Jul/28/2020

    Geez—I don't know if telephones are even around at this date anymore; but I use an Android Smart Phone—it's cheap, efficient, sufficient, & optimum; I have—I don't know what you call these things—but they are little circular stick-on grips that you place on the back of your Smart Phone; I use it now because I use to have a better phone before which just plopped right outta my hand and cracked—use ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    What present would you like to get for your birthday this year?

    by ThuhL,Jul/26/2020

    My birthday has passed this year but had it been then, I would've loved a tablet; still not quite sure what brand or size but the reason why I want a tablet is because—it's kind of strange—I think it leads to technology such as holograms, images in 4 Dimensions. I think it's awesome ? Other than that, tablets are convenient since it's almost like a hands-held laptop; I'm almost certain they are ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    Do you prefer to spend all the money you have or to save it?

    by ThuhL,Jul/24/2020

    I prefer to spend all the money I have because I've come to learn that energy is everywhere, everything, and everyhow knowing that money is one thing that is a part of energy. I think money is pretty much found anywhere really, especially living in the states; we are known as one of the most powerful nations throughout the planet after all. I'd spend the money on stuff that I need & want, ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    What type of TV programs do you like most?

    by ThuhL,Jul/22/2020

    I like documentaries such as criminal mysteries & education about animals, plants, war history, and cultures; As a child, I use to like "The Little Bits"; the old "Transformers" cartoon; the first Pokemon seasons; American Ninja Warrior — the Disney cartoon "Rescue Rangers" ?ed it — As a teen, I liked Carson Daily's "Total Recall" on MTV ... stuff like that -_-()

  • ThuhL

    So! Enough with My Hubbub

    by ThuhL,Jul/20/2020

    What does a typical date look like to you? I'd like to meet at a public place of your choice Sit down and get to know one another as in by experiences; what emotional goods & bads that you've been in; and, what physical activities you are into ? ? Possibly go walking around somewhere to get to know each other some more And in only hopes to end it with a sincere and sensual ?

  • ThuhL

    So! Here it is ...

    by ThuhL,Jul/19/2020

    ? — I can only hope no one minds if I blog about this ... One reason why I adore this free dating website is because: Love "should" be free — all throughout. In of course, nothing is perfectly "free" which would be so ideal that'it'd be a nightmare ... Wouldn't it be nice if you were born next to someone you were lovingly meant to be with? No more fighting; no more arguing; no more ... dancing ... Read the whole post

  • ThuhL

    Three Quotes

    by ThuhL,Jul/14/2020

    A few quotes that I'd thought I'd blog about lol I notice no one has blogged for a while so ... "The soul that which is life will be brought." - Jason "The palpable is beyond the variations of endlessness." - Jason "The witch is red when that which is eaten." - Jason I really do apologize if I'd caused such silence! ?

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