TVcameraman blog post


25, June, 2018

by TVcameraman,Jun/25/2018

Well, I must admit this was a long day. I started work at 8am and finally got home at a little after 10pm. The job that keep me out late was my second job, broadcasting city council live via Shaw TV here in Port Alberni. It proved to be a long meeting tonight going over three hours. Most are only a couple hours. At least I enjoy doing that job. If anyone ever wants to watch, you can catch it live stream. Just look up Port Alberni City Hall and it should be there.
Other than work, not a lot to say here tonight... other than good night and sweet dreams everyone. And the kitties say good night too. :-)

  • By ??? ,Jun/26/2018

    You did a fine job of posting as always Mr TV. Thanks once again for giving us another glimpse into your life :D

  • Me.
    By TVcameraman ,Jun/26/2018

    Thank you. I am glad you are enjoying my posts and that they are not just fading into electronic oblivion..
    Have a good night.

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