TVcameraman blog post


26 June, 2018

by TVcameraman,Jun/26/2018

Not a lot to post here tonight. Had another long day at work so I am a bit on the tired side. Hopefully, I will get to bed early instead of falling asleep on the couch watching TV. Yes, I do that at times.. Like night time.. LOL
A bit of good news though. First, we will be doing the Canada Day parade. It won't be going on live, but will be live to tape and then played back through the day. I'll be on camera for that one. The next good news is I am going to be working on my next Time Traveler piece on the 4th. Going to be able to do it all day. That means I can do my intro, extro and a couple of time bites and a bit of editing. Its been to long since I have been able to work on it. And the last bit of good news,(but not the least) is one of the members of the youth center has asked me to become a board member. I told him that I would go to one of the meetings to see what it is like before committing. It sounds like it might be fun.
The kitties are quiet tonight.. finally. Snickers was running up and down the place earlier today... I thought she was nuts.. And Maple Bud was playing earlier. I think they are tired now.
So, that is my day.. Take care everyone, and talk soon.

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