TVcameraman blog post


Good morning everyone.

by TVcameraman,Jun/24/2018

My day is going quite well... for the most part. I went to Qualicum earlier today and I bought an older Shopsmith power tool. It can convert from table saw to lathe to drill press to jointer and sander. It will take up a lot less space in the shop when I sell the other individual tools.
On the sad side, I helped the neighbour remove a small baby bunny that had died near their place. May the poor creature rest in peace.
Still overcast here, but the prediction was for rain. As long as it doesn't rain, we are ahead of the game.
Hope you are all having a great day... And feel free to say hi sometime... if you are so inclined.

  • By ??? ,Jun/24/2018

    Hello Mr TVcameraman: I, for one, enjoy reading your blogs. Keep them coming :)

  • Me.
    By TVcameraman ,Jun/24/2018

    Thank you. I shall try to keep them coming as time permits.. Have a great day.

  • don't judge a book by it's cover you never know what's inside
    By Sissy56 ,Jun/25/2018

    hello mr TVcameraman
    I like your blog

  • Me.
    By TVcameraman ,Jun/26/2018

    Thank you.

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