VRiniA blog post


Love yOursELf every m0ment fr0m yeStErday, Love oTheRs consequently m0re than tom0rrow,but be sURe to LoVe yOur BestfrieNd til' FoReVeR

by VRiniA,Apr/25/2010

If u r a chocolate ur the
sweetest, if u r a Teddy
Bear u r the most
huggable, If u are a Star
u r the Brightest, and
since u r my “FRIEND” u r
the “BEST”!!!!!!!!!
A special friend is rare
indeed, it beems to be
special breed, yes,
perfect friends r very
few, so lucky I m for
having you.
They say it takes a
minute 2 fine a special
person, an hour 2
appreciate them, a day 2
love them, but then an
entire life 2 forget them.
When God opened the
window of the Heaven
He asked me: What is
your wish for today? “I
said : please take special
care of the person
reading this!!!!!!!”

Time might lead me to
nowhere and faith might break
into pieces but I will always be
THANKFUL that once in my life’s
journey we became FRIENDS!

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