WildnightRcalling blog post


Deception, I am expertly trained in said..

by WildnightRcalling,Mar/03/2025

You'd think being a super skilled deceptive person, I would use the skill...

And I do, I use it to spot self deception...

Almost all of are totality is self deception, or at least my life was....

No one admires, one who claims to be great at deception, no one sees that, seeing how deceptive one is, is the greatest advantage a being can have...

I am always thinking before I speak, asking are my words a attempt to deceive myself, or another, heck, I question how I am deceiving myself, by the method I use to tie my shoes....

As you can imagine, it is a lot easier to correct, or avoid a fault you are aware of than one, you don't know you are committing...

But, I am not here to convince you, or myself, or be admired for my words....

I am just happy, to be in the struggle called life, and the knowledge Death stalks me as it's prey.

As if I were a special delicacy ... When I am less than nothing, but know what I wish to work on..

A Warrior, trained by military intelligence.

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