Human nature is like water/electricity, it seeks the path of least resistance.
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/08/2025
In military intelligence we learn obvious things, things that should be taught in preschool.
This creates a inequality between person's from military intelligence and other's, a knowledge inequality, that gives us a great advantage as to manipulation of other's to do what we want them to....
If I find something I want you to ignore, or for you to choose a less productive path of my choice, it is simple.
All I have to do, is convince you it is easier to choose what I want you to choose. It does not matter if it is actually easier or not, people act on crazy behavior/beliefs all the time and are used to this.
All I have to do is make some statements that make you think I am smarter than you, more knowledgeable, then create a situation where I give you information that when you assimilate that information.
That it leads you to conclusions that I want.
And of course, hide the fact I am manipulating you, push a person they will push back, push a person away from a danger, they still will push back, forcing themselves into that danger, out of reflex (not to be pushed or forced), before logic has time to argue.
After I get you to do this a few times it becomes a habit.... Habits and reflex, leave you no room to not do as I want.
So when you can force others to do anything you want, finding someone who can find some methods of not being forced is exciting!
Finding someone you can't manipulate, who wants you, is a euphoria beyond belief.
So the last thing I want is a beautiful woman under my force, but one who wants to use my force as a method to achieve her goals...
That is a woman able to adapt, evolve and grow with me.
Do you get it?
No imagine, the people who knew this, taught this, were very skilled at manipulating person's to learn this technique/s, but never realize those person's were manipulating to learn, and much much more.
When I walked out, the major asked, "why didn't you like the instruction block today?
I answered, "because it made me realize almost al of my life, I was being manipulated, controlled, used, and I am going to start changing that yesterday, because today is to late"!
I received my papers the next day, I was moved to the next level of training, learning how to free to choose without manipulation".
I explained, I was done....
I did not want to be manipulated by these topic's, instructor's, etc. any more.
You can imagine, it took a lot of effort to get free, hours of being told how the US government had spent big money and time to teach me, and I owed for it, "NO"!
But your protecting America, freedom, Democracy, "NO"!
False charges where brought against my person, I was facing multiple years in Leavenworth Kansas....
You can either become our prisoner or work for us, or die, "NO"!
At the point it was clear, I'd choose death, pain dismemberment over "Working for them, I got my discharge..."
On my way off the base in New Jersey, I realized I was not free, just being manipulated to think I was free, and I could do nothing.
So I took a job that basically constituted a form of semi paid slavery, to begin my path of relearning everything I thought I knew.