I watched the nightly news, I am very sorry I did...
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/07/2025
You know how it works,
"A bait subject is used".
And at the end of sitting through 25 minutes of commercials, and stories you get 1.3 minutes at the end of the program, that you actually wanted to see
"1,000's of American's using AI chatbots as friendship, romance surrogate's".
As former military intelligence,
This scared me to death...
Everyone they spoke to, who used this substitute/surrogate, said this...
"I tell it things I would tell no living being",
Or very similar.
They showed photos of the Substitute's, some cartoonish to some that where designed to simulate real living human beings.
They had tried several of these service's, and briefly noted in almost every case, the conversation turned, towards a romantic, sexual, erotic nature.
How people would text message these just like another human, look forward to its replies.
I don't know a single man, who has a caring relationship with a woman, not one...
Not vice versa.
All I see and hear is both sides, wanting to jump in fast, hard, get their pleasure and part ways, going back to their own selfish pursuits,
It seems just a biological breeding imperative.
I have never seen so many openly lonely and angry people, who feel no one is good enough for them, or no one is trustworthy.
I see nothing wrong with selfish pursuits, it's just like anything else, you get your fill of something pretty quick.
But we humans have this insane belief that abstinence works, it does not.
It just makes you want it more.
Now to much of the thing you want forced down your throat until you fight against it, that actually works.
Please note they only spoke with people knowingly dealing with Artificial intelligence, not those strange guys living in moms basement with a bellybutton full of Cheeto dust, who actually think a Russian super model is in love with them, and the like.
I can't remember the last time I saw a couple walking, holding hands, laughing, no ear buds, no electronics, just smiling and talking.
"I remember, walking in the sand, I remember walking hand in hand, and the night and beach breeze so inviting".
No AI can say a million words, just by tilting it's head, and looking into your eyes, like a woman can.