Jaded, over cautious, leery, nervous, untrusting of other's
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/03/2025
A true story.
I was 16, had no idea whom I was, what I wanted, not highly attractive, very insecure, I had made it a point, to spend time listening to every word females said, mostly not so great one's to be polite and honest
I was a fry cook, I had gotten my high school equivalent, made more than min. wage, 1980, or so. On May Ave, OKC, OK, a drive in, open to view kitchen area, a middle eastern boss, lunch only, 250-3500 served between myself and the owner...
"I wanted a better than playmate of the year, but knew I did not deserve such...". I was young, ignorant to a lot. On a day after a 2500 hundred served in like 6 hours, I was cleaning up from the madness, chatting with the customers at the bar seating, when a incredibly attractive dark haired female in a very nice sundress and sandals, drew every male eye. As she sat at a stool in front of me.
I yelled out for the owner, in my best John Belushi, impersonation, refusing to take her order, he took her order, as I tried not to be rude, as attempted to see every bit of her.
I heard my mind, "look every man here, wants her, is trying to talk to her, and you have no chance, especially after refusing to take her order, because you cook, clean, and threaten potential robber's".... That's enough for it, I'm not being paid like a damn surgeon here.
I cooked her lunch, because I hated being watched as I created my culinary treats, I distracted folks with a show, focused their attention where I WANTED it.
I headed to the back door, washed my hands of course, before, during and now after, I deserved a smoke, the exit could be seen and myself smoking outside through the window, she payed, talked to the owner, I was sure she was complaining about my refusal to take her order, and sure as she exited and immediately headed directly towards myself, I was going to get some teeth....
I ignored, how she had been super kind, easy to talk to, jovial, intelligent to all the males during her lunch, and had spoken kindly to myself.
"Hey," she smiled, her head slightly tilted, fluttering her eyes to much, fidgeting, acting so cute, alluring, I forgot all my other crazy thoughts, and jumped to new ones.
I hated myself, for letting her take my mind, without any effort, and said I didn't mind chatting with her on my break, as my reply.
I asked for her number, got a pen, wrote it on 3 different pieces of paper, and went back to work, thinking was she a female Serial killer, or what, there had to be a reason she singled me out, a not good one...
I wonder if today, in our world of media for hire truths, scammers, the lack of cultural spirit/empathy, I'd actually respond to a attractive lady actually being very interested in myself....?????
I still Don't know who was more surprised when I returned to inside, myself, or every one staring at me, holding this ladies number.
"SEEing in their eyes, a want to be me, and all I wanted was to be some other cooler guy".
Funny part, after that when I spoke of my mystical abilities, folks did no longer argue...
I was so nuts about trust, I didn't enjoy that a two year older female, a very attractive one by cultural standards, really wanted my number... Of course I ruined it...
Which then made everyone at work think I was mad, for just ending it with her, over some very crazy actions on my part, and crazy thoughts...
Maybe I should at least claim, I take medication, or drink...lol
I so hope people also so realize life is a very rough n many times a mean road to so travel and this is no longer the wild west as violence is we have to so learn some patience and the things that are part of love and people as in parents have to teach their kids some morales n also decency to others which is so missing as in common sense which so many do not have either so also remember it is also free