WildnightRcalling blog post


"Proper swimming attire" part 2 fictional fantasy based on true principles

by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025

"good ole lover thing"

He became aware, it just happened, he tried to gather his bearings, location, time, but this place had no occurrences that one could use to mark times progression.

He was treading dark water, it did not take much effort, he felt very buoyant, he became aware that he was feeling very euphoric.
He looked around, there was some light here, but no source of this light, it was mostly darkness in this place, but his vision seemed great even in the low light. So much here seemed wrong, different to what he was used to, abnormal. Like the fact, he could see no land, no boats, no other being's....
He could not remember how or when he came to this place, or why he came here.
He could not see anything below the waters dark surface, he only felt part of himself below that surface, he felt as if he was guessing at how that part of himself below the surface felt.
It was confusing.
The euphoria was stronger than anything he had ever felt, he thought, but did not know why he thought this.
Then he realized dark hungry things were probably swimming below that impenetrable surface, he thought he should be afraid.
The parts of his body above the surface, looked exactly like the waters, but seemed held in form by a microscopic glowing film or membrane, he thought that dark water he was made of wanted to break that barrier and return to its source, he now swam in.
He was hit by another wave of euphoria, then fear, it cycled, each wave stronger than the last,
As if it was washing away all other waves before.
At times he felt a urge to dive below that surface to explore its wonders, but the realization that there were not dark things swimming in this dark waters that wanted to eat him, but the dark waters were a living thing that wanted to eat him, and that dark water in him wanted it to do so. After each wave, he would start his observation from scratch, there was no past to review or consult for information here. No future for effects to arise from deeds done here and now, there was just a never ending here and now.
He wanted to swim towards the direction the light most likely came from, but dared not. He knew it was not wise to disturb the surface tension of these living hungry waters.
So he stayed where he was.
He felt flashes of another place, a place with past, present and future, but that was some dream he had had, and wondered how he could have slept here, dreamed here? Or being there was no other time here but now, and because now he was awake, such thoughts were not sane, and easy to dismiss. Something made him force his patience, discipline, though he had no idea what or why... The struggle of dealing with the beyond words euphoria, and the undescribable horror this place gave you in ever increasing waves, kept him confused, but every time he felt tempted to do something stupid, he'd hear a name whispered in his mind, "Daphne". The stupid would be shattered by that unfamiliar name, form some far away dream, in a place that sleep did not exist let alone dreams, he chased his thoughts like the tale of a confused dog.

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