"Proper swimming attire", part 5, fantasy fiction
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025
*Daphne's dream*
Her eyes opened, it was over, they had won.
She rolled over to wake the Nagual, but she was the only one in their bed. And the dogs were just staring at his empty space with longing eyes.... Something had gone wrong, she could not feel him, anywhere...
She let the dogs out, more like forced them to leave the self imposed vigil for him, as she went through every bit of the battle, other than the end, she was absolutely sure of what happened.
But when the creature broke free, and the dogs called the Nagual, it just seemed a giant ethereal black hand closed around the creature, and erased it from existing.
She had felt a fear from it in that moment that had so much force she lost her focus, and it was over.
She knew these things had a telepathic like connection, well more like they all had a thing inside them, that had a connection to all its other parts of itself, that were in all living things, and if you could converse with that thing in your living being, it could tell you what it could see in other living things it inhabited.
Was a better description, she thought
She knew, THEY would never get near her again, KNEW!
She knew the place where the Nagual was trapped, could even go there, but it's vastness made finding something right next to you impossible, let alone something that could be anywhere in that vastness.
She let the dogs back in, they went right back to their vigil.
"I will create such a fire in this creation, that you will have to come to my light my love"!
She wanted to cry, she missed him, but crying had no use, she wanted no pity, no sympathy, just him back at her side, "Thank you, for my love, thank you for taking my love from me, I was born for this battle, this dragon, upon its back, when I have tamed it, I will ride, until I hold his hand again", she said.
She showered, thought, plotted and came up with a plan, a crazy plan...
"She was going to make THEM find him", all these years of fear of THEM, now she was going to seek them out, have them return him to her!
She felt he was so close, so far, both at the same time.
She looked at the dogs, "Victoria, Cocoa, we will get him back", soon.....
End of chapter 1, please comment if you'd like to read more ????