WildnightRcalling blog post


Reducing love to numerical probability to have reasonable expectations

by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025

So, let's say hypothetically, I am the best, greatest candidate for a female's reasonable satisfaction...(Hypothetically of course)

Let's calculate my odds of finding what I seek.

1st, rich , poor , attractive or not, I only have a interest in a very few females, let's say
.1%, is a fair guess from my experience.
This greatly limits my chances.

2nd, most of the .1% that does interest me, is of great interest to all my fellow competitors.
This also decreases my chances, let's guess
I am at .01% now because of per capita pressures.

3rd, most of the females who in this most wanted group, have been located prior to reaching my age group, and are in relationships, and have considerable investments in said. Let's guess my odds/chances are now about .001% of success.

No let's factor in by today's standards, I am not rich, just comfortable, next I am not what society seems attractive, next I'm old.
Were correcting the first assumptions listed above now.... Let's guess
.00001% of success.

No factor in the truth, "We all have our personal flavor choices," I'm not talking color here , I am speaking of likes in perspective mates, the chances of my just happening to be the right flavor, lower it more....

My odds/chances are terrible.
I can accept defeat, give up.
Continue on.
Be angry at the odds.
Be happy I still have a .00000001% chance, still a chance....

Or just be happy...

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