WildnightRcalling blog post



by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025

So at about 30 yrs, I realized how to exist without having to go to work, and make someone else rich from my labors.

It seemed as if, I hit the ultimate jackpot, SEEMED being the important word.

The first few years, I did whatever I wanted, but I quickly ran out of entertainment, when you can afford to entertain yourself any way you choose, for as long as you choose, you tire of all the things you thought you wanted...
I was rich, bored, and actually missed work.

So I met a lady, she was so enamored by a young man who had everything, though she did not know this when we met, because I kept my wealth hidden.
After some time of sitting at home bored as she was working all day, and growing angry at having to work all day, as I did I pleased.

I said, "Quit your job, I'll take care of us."
She did, all she wanted to do was sleep constantly, so I figured, like myself, she would tire of it, boredom of just sleeping would set in.
After two more years of living hell, being now bored and alone as I watched her only get out of bed for the restroom, of food, watching her gain weight, never dress in anything but sleeping attire, and never presenting a image other than raggity bed time, I left one day without notice.

I took a job, not for pay, but to kill time...I went through job after job, because i didn't have to take any thing from a employer, because I didn't need their money.

What would you do if you had all the time in the world? Think about how bored you are even with you busy life's demands on most of your time...

What would you do, when that life did not suit any better than this one?

I actually ended up, doing insane things to kill my boredom, I fought in wars I had no interest in any side, I tried Russian roulette a couple of times, risky behavior was norm, the more life I had, the lessor value it seemed to have.

Things are different now, I drink much less deeply of life, and enjoy everything now....

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