WildnightRcalling blog post


Stevie Nick's, Anne Wilson.....

by WildnightRcalling,Mar/11/2025

Stevie N, refuses to play certain songs, no matter what her paying patron's want....

So go kick rocks Stevie, if all you care about is yourself.... I can see old ladies sing poorly at any old folks home, good luck with your upcoming poverty!

I saw Heart, just recently, in California...

To see Anne W. In a wheel chair, looking half dead, barely able to sing, taking multiple breaks, to exit the stage for oxygen intake...

I payed to watch another waste of skin, and I am tired of it ....

Do us all a favor, and pull a Elvis/jim Morrison, and be gone....

I remember how I paid to see Elvis sweat, fight to breath in one of his final shows...

If your selling youth minded revolution, maybe you should not be mostly dead, and one step from the grave?!!!!

Just saying

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