"The date with Infinity".Story Supplement (Daphne meets the Nagual)
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025
Want to go on a date?
"I am really not interested, your not my type",
Daphne replied.
I didn't ask if I was your type, I asked if you wanted to go on a date?
To ask where I would take you, to know if maybe that place is your type of place, would make more sense, he said.
And walked away...
She looked at the short, slender man, he looked ancient, yet also like he was barely 18, he was strange...
"Wait, where would you like to take me then?"
"Infinity", he replied.
"And beyond", she laughed, "you shouldn't use Disney cartoons characters lines to try to pick up ladies".
"There is no beyond, where I would take you, and you could only stand a few moments of the place I would take you".
What's a few seconds of your life, he pondered a loud.... As if to himself, not to her
As he exited the store, she looked at the lady behind the counter at the bookstore, "Do you believe that guys bullshit"? She asked.
"Ummmm, Nagual 's are different, your lucky, they tend to be a bit venomous towards average people", the counter lady said.
"Some people would suffer things beyond your belief, for the offer you just refused".
"Is he some ladies man or something"? Daphne asked.
"God no, and please don't call him a man in my shop, I don't need that trouble, he is as far from being a man, as east is from west"!
"Think about those who like being called MAN,
Their actions, then if you dare and are lucky enough to observe that thing, you'll see for yourself, it is not a man, not a definable thing".
Daphne paid for the crystals, pendant....
Everything you just bought, was made by the Nagual, kinda strange, you'd pick out of all this stuff in this shop, things of his, have a good day, the woman said.
Daphne tried to keep the conversation going, no matter what she said, all the lady would answer, "Have a good day".
She became annoyed, and left
It seemed everywhere she went he was already there, and would leave upon seeing her arrive.
At first she had paranoid delusions that he was following her, but she always went to where he was, and he always left upon seeing her, so that seemed crazy, even to her
"Starwind occult bookstore", she loved the place, something about the place attracted her.
But they seemed to dislike her, but him, they all loved him, or feared him .... In a respectful fashion of course.
She had been reading about "Infinity ", and she wondered if he was another snake oil salesman?
That seemed nuts too, he never offered anything but a date.... And she regretted not taking the offer
She would talk to people he interacted with, after he'd exit the area, reconnaissance of a sort, yet none knew much about him.
Some claimed he was a rich homeless nut, other's claimed he was a rich investment broker who could afford to do as he pleased.
Some claimed he was a healer, everyone said something different.
As the months went by, she observed him, his shoes always spit shined, Stacy Adam's, or boots, his clothes she thought they might be custom made, they were at least well tailored.
She finally decided to chase him down one afternoon, she ran after him walking away, but no matter how fast she ran, he could walk much faster, and would always just vanish behind something.
She kept at it, then took to screaming for him to stop, that seemed to make him vanish even quicker.
Finally tired of chasing after him at full stride, she stopped, whispered, "Please", as she gave up
To her surprise he stopped, she ran to him.
Out of breath, she struggled, "How about that date?" As she gasped, I'd like to see infinity please.
"Sorry, young lady, that offer is not available now"!
"But I do have time for, no you wouldn't be interested, it's not your type of thing".
"Maybe, it's time I try things that are not my type of things", she said.
He smiled, she liked his smile.
"Walk with me then", but do not talk please, for now".
She watched, as the regal folks, gave him respect, as homeless offered their food, some asked for advice, some just wanted to thank him. She had no idea, who what why he was...
After a few hours of following him, he just stated their time today was over, walked around a corner and vanished...
On the wind, she thought she heard a voice whisper, " thank you"....
She did not see him again for weeks, no matter how hard she searched.
That gave her time to think about their time together, how she felt jealousy at every lady that flirted with him, how at times she had to stop herself from just grabbing his hand and holding it .
But one thing she has learned from the people at the book store, was NEVER EVER TOUCH him without asking permission, NEVER expect him to touch you, without you asking him to.
They said touch for him was very sacred.
Everywhere she looked, there was something about holding hands, a lotion ad, a Beatles song, it has to be her subconscious making her note this, coincidence....
Had to be.
She wanted to hold his hand, and she was going to ask him, beg him, she was going to get what she wanted ...
And see infinity some day...