The story in her eyes....
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025
I work hard, long hours, not to acquire pay, but for myself.
Sometimes I just need a break, from the countless scientific documents, theory, ECT...
So I shaved, threw on some Drakkar, and headed to our local watering holes....
Tired of watching the human drama/comedy, I was finishing my Stella A., and looking forward to the walk home, I was content.
No I hadn't met a lady, yes I was going home alone, but all was good.
Then it happened, I had noticed two ladies my age, sitting alone, both had made a effort to make eye contact, in increasing increments of time, going out of their way to make this clear.
Giggles, after whispers, and more looks my way.
They both were decent dressed, not unattractive, it was kinda nice to be noticed.
Then everything took a major down turn...
One went to the rest room, the other still seated, threw back a shot glass of some spirit, got up and approached my table, stopped placed her hand on one of the chairs, and gave me the look over, from top to bottom, then returned her eyes to mine.
I could see the story in her eyes, "I choose you," or more accurately, "you'll do."
I looked down after a kind non inviting smile,
The idea of being with someone who considered myself, "good enough to do," but not "the right one," was of no interest.
Her eyes were dark, dulled by spirit's she had consumed, there was no fire...
She sighed, walked away, insulted I believe...
I was glad, I chose to save us both the wasted time.
I have been told there is a scary fire in my eyes,
A innocent malevolence, something like a mad dog who knows the length and strength of the chain it is on....
I spent the rest of the lab coat, reading ...