WildnightRcalling blog post


Whiskey neat...

by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025

In my day, You were treated like a SISSY, for having water in your whiskey, or a back to follow your whiskey with...

Now all alcoholic beverages are candy flavors, come in jello desert flavors....

Yep, it's all flavored for adult children.
Sugar is bad, dairy is bad, etc....
Everytime I am in the VA, I am tested for diabetes, cholesterol, and every time they are in shock, how I am so healthy they envy my health. How I must be a aberration, a one off.
Because to admit everything they believe is wrong, means they spent a lifetime of bad investments that have no value, except their belief in said.

If SUGAR is so bad, why is approximately %70 of the food I eat converted to glucose for my brain to use ....

Maybe lack of sugar is why IQ's are so low today? Maybe my IQ is not a one off, but a product of feeding my brain well.....
Don't get me wrong my favorite goods are vegetables, in fact, I eat everything, variety, in moderation, and listen to my bodies wants.
I don't take any medicines, pharma that is.
I can perform physical activities that shock 18 yr olds who can't keep up...

Nobody reads this anyway...
It's just something to do, waiting for death, and what if life's purpose is death?
Maybe death is so feared, because your programed from birth, with saying's like, any day I'm above ground, is a great day....
Maybe it's just another bad investment you can't accept that you were cheated within?

Money, attractiveness, these we are told, attract great mates, then why are attractive people often with poor, or ugly mates?

Lies lies tell me sweet little lies...
Everytime you sing along, your words reenforces your beliefs, your beliefs are what mold reality....
That's why you pay for self help books to teach you this at the tune of billions of dollars spending each year, and I am crazy(thank God).

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