witchyone blog post


Five Feet Away,...

by witchyone,Feb/26/2017

Five feet Away.....

I stood
Five feet away
of what would be bliss
most certainly his kiss

and yet I stood

I stayed
Five feet away

His gaze froze me
five feet away

His stare
stole the breath
in me

I stood
Five feet away

Five feet
from me
Five feet from

And I stayed
Five feet away
watching his eyes
move lower
and lower
and yet lower

Five feet away
frozen watching
his EYES

Move from mine

to the junction
between my breast

and futher down, to
the V that was HIS
and further down, to
my knees that
and further down, to
the red boots
I only clothed myself in

I stood
with only Five Feet
to Cross

I stayed
with only Five Feet
to Cross

To savor the moment

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