zukie blog post


love how to love do you want to be loved

by zukie,Mar/23/2013

love my love it's natural it comes so easy but first you have to gain my love by being yourself love it a action and reaction to some one it definitely comes from one placce and that is the heart for sure if you want unconditional love i'm the person the one that is a fact. money can't buy love money only bring attention and that is it. but people do need money to survive in modern time if both don't have money a love relationship would be complicated.love is buy saying love you to the person from the heart,mind and soul. love comes with so many things but you have to show such as romance by giving your partner a kiss,a hug,some flowers,breakfast in bed love you can you it to be creative.love it emotions, it's affection,it's physical it's silent,it can be by touching love it's like a second language.love it's the smallest or littlest thing that matter the most.having your partner you should explore love it's simple as 123 abc you just have to show it from the heart.......that's love .........

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