zukie blog post


scrammer spammer

by zukie,Mar/26/2013

is there so many scrammer on the dating site that everybody is afriad to date someone...my picture is real my personal is real..who i am is real i'm from where i said i am from is real.....i'm no idlers....i'm not workless...not looking for someone to take of me...so i guess i'm one of the real person......here what you all thing.....i'm not here to scram....i'm here to meet friends and find a lover i now what i really want and that is to find someone who is respectful of my opinion......you just have to look out for scrammer.....i will as for money but i have to know that person and we have to have that connection.....why would i want to left some body living in loss or misory.....so all my readers of my blogs take responsible and find out and know the person before putting in your trust....ok what you think...ok that's all fokes

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