zukie blog post


who i am

by zukie,Mar/20/2013

who i am ;i am zadiki ;;;;;;tt born july 20 1985,grow up in the country side of jamaica. born and raise by my mother only, things was rough but she tried to make two ends meet and she did. my taught me so many valuable things in life which is hembeded in me she said son try to stay focus and go for your dream.stay humble don't follow always be a leader. no matter what people say you shall make it if you try. and she said you have a dream oh son we all have a dream. now i have become this person who is really waant to make it life i tried but nevefr failed it was the wicked who set me back about three steps so i have to make grounds and i shall bounds back like a magnet,cause what my mother said it shall not a waste cause i know my full potential and that is to own business and make my impact that life has to offer. so all who plotted against me one fore sure i shall overr come and be an ambassidor for the world

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