Prato Single Men

  • man 81 y.o. from Prato, Italy Unpredictable

    I am extrovert, i like to travel in the company of a woman. My favourite things: swimming in the reef (snorkelling), walk in mountains, visit museums, go to the theater, good restaurants.

  • man 46 y.o. from prato, Italy single

    Cerco una donna seria per relazione seria! Stupire una persona, è come spogliarla, farle sentire il calore attraverso le parole, ed essere se stessi dimostra di avere sempre un lato positivo in più degli altri, senza illudersi, ed illudere!Sono normale, e faccio cose normali come tante persone, pas... view more

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Prato Single Men

Single men from Prato and nearby cities. Join 100% free online dating site. No credit card required to contact singles here.