Celaya Single Men

  • man 49 y.o. from celaya, Mexico good, friend

    Simple, neat, romantic, honest, hardworking, detail, calm, intelligent, responsible, be better every day and achieve my goals in life, honestly. I try to be in harmony with each person I encounter daily, music, nature, walking, reading, yoga, cinema, theater, cars, art, music, internet, dancing, tal... view more

  • man 40 y.o. from Celaya, Mexico Looking for someone interested in myself

    I'm a 24 yearl old guy, who loves to work, and to spend time with my kid, i love movies, video games, i'm a happy person. If you interested in me, just send me an e-mail, and we can get to know each other.

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Celaya Single Men

Single men from Celaya and nearby cities. Join 100% free online dating site. No credit card required to contact singles here.