Karlskoga Single Men

  • man 69 y.o. from Karlskoga, Sweden I am extremely honest and straightforward

    Ofcours, I am nice, kind, big - heart...I am serious. I am here to find my livetime partner. So, scammers, gamblers, jokers ... please don't waste my time.

  • man 59 y.o. from Karlskoga, Sweden Hello from Sweden

    I'm a Swedish guy, age 46 looking for a friend. I love to write and a lot of other things. You will be my main interest if you allow me. :) Oh, and i must tell you. I am an Asperger so if there is anyone else there who also has that diagnose I would be glad to hear from you.

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Karlskoga Single Men

Single men from Karlskoga and nearby cities. Join 100% free online dating site. No credit card required to contact singles here.