Collinsville Ok Single Women

  • woman 32 y.o. from Collinsville, Oklahoma, United States Is he out there?

    Hi! I am currently a full time x-ray tech student with a busy schedule and life that leaves me little time to get out and actually meet people. When I do have free time I like to go out dancing with family and friends just to break up the same routine. Sometimes I travel out of the state and partici... view more

  • woman 54 y.o. from Collinsville, Oklahoma, United States ISO Mr Right

    Hi, My name is Anita. I am a Single Mom and 44 years old. I have never been married!(because I take it very seriously). I'm not a game player nor do I want to be played! I'm here for the same reason you are to find someone to love and that wants to be loved! I love watching all types of sports and m... view more

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