Hartwell Single Women

  • woman 40 y.o. from Hartwell, Georgia, United States Looking for love

    Looking for a good man I am 30 and prgo with my first baby and hoping to find some one that is gong to be good to me not looking for some one to do any thing for my baby just want some one that won't hit me

  • woman 41 y.o. from Hartwell, Georgia, United States Looking for the other half to my heart...

    Hi! My name's Jen. I'm a very loving, caring, funny, affectionate, trustworthy, cuddley, calm, open-minded, girly-girl kinda girl. Wow, that's a lot of adjectives lol. But seriously, I have the worlds hugest heart. I love probably way too easily. Now it is just time for me to find someone that I ca... view more

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