Morrison Co Single Men

  • man 75 y.o. from Morrison, Colorado, United States Seeking Woman of Earth and Sky

    I find that I am most comfortable "coloring outside the lines" and have varied interests from Pow Wows and Rendezvous to hiking and tipis, to enjoying Nature in many ways throughout the year. I enjoy entertaining, dining out, cooking "in", good coffee, living in the mountains and being an 'Old-fashi... view more

  • man 33 y.o. from Morrison, Colorado, United States Life made to the Fullest

    Where to start.... well i am a guy looking to expand his views on life. Willing to go out and experience it a bit. Right now i work two jobs. One of my jobs is working at Discount Tires as the Inventory/Service Technician. Second job is at McDonald's to gain a bit of spending money. Have plenty of f... view more

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