Pittsville Single Men

  • man 26 y.o. from Pittsville, Maryland, United States German loving life and living it to the fullest.

    Ich am German. Ich speak Englisch, German, and a tiny bit of Spanish. Ich am down to earth, outgoing, adventurous, a higher people person, goofy, jokester, ich am a Christian and volunteer at mein church. Ich go out of mein way to make sure all that ich liebe and care about are doing gut. Ich am cur... view more

  • man 30 y.o. from Pittsville, Maryland, United States Im single and want a girl that will like me for me

    I want a girl who is like me love videogames anime and dc and marvel. I also want a girl who doesnt think she has to have money to be happy. And i also want a girl that will want kids at the right time

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