Reynoldsville Single Men

  • man 39 y.o. from Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania, United States Searching for the one

    I'll be honest, I don't have a lot of spare time. Between 3 children, my overtime hours and the rest of my life, I have roughly one or two days out of the week that I would be able to devote to anyone. I need someone that can handle that, and they must be self-sufficient and independent. If this isn... view more

  • man 40 y.o. from Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania, United States looking for the real deal!!

    i'm 26 and i have a daughter that i take care of. i'm looking for someone that is willing to take on the whole package not just me my daughter to. i'm tired of people just wanting sex. i want a good girl that will like me for me and my daughter..

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