Rockford Mn Single Men

  • man 63 y.o. from Rockford, Minnesota, United States Starting Over

    I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, I can dress up for special occasions. Weekends are my time to do projects around the house and go motorcycling. Most of the books on my Nook reader are fictional detective. Prefer music from the 80’s and classic rock, Dramas, action, romance and documenta... view more

  • man 48 y.o. from Rockford, Minnesota, United States I will hold your hand...

    I am a laid back father of 3 who likes to spend most nights snuggled up with that special someone, but I do like to go out on occasion as well. I am an avid sports fan (Twins, Wild, Gophers, you name it). There are too any things to mention here and if you want to know more just ask.

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