Seward Ak Single Women

  • woman 39 y.o. from Seward, Alaska, United States Wait for me

    My name is Tiffany, and I'm looking for a man who will wait for me. Why the traditional route? you may ask. Well, I have come to know that if someone is willing to love me, that person is willing to love me enough to wait for me. Aside from this fact, I am far from boring. I like things like c... view more

  • woman 71 y.o. from Seward, Alaska, United States Were having fun now, right?

    Lifelong Alaskan, mother to 3 daughters, nana to 8, 1/2 Inupiat Eskimo/White; retired gov. after 30+ yrs. middle child of big family; love to fish, berry pick, camp, picnic, campfires, beachcombing. I have been told that i am a good sport as far as life's ups and downs. What else can you do? I hop... view more

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