Signal Hill Single Men

  • man 42 y.o. from Signal Hill, California, United States Looking for fun unless I find me a keeper...

    I'm mixed race, 34 years old going on 35, 6ft, 180lbs, cute, intelligent, and easy going. Looking for my partner in crime and all things Love & War. Currently I'm going through a divorce with whom my ex and I share joint custody of our 2½year old son. Not good at talking about myself but feel free ... view more

  • man 55 y.o. from Signal hill, California, United States I. am. a very smart clever and hard working Italian lawyer

    I love my girlfriend. With all my heart and. Soul. And I treat her like a Queen. She gets whatever her little heart's desires and than some. She gets all the material things she wants and is totally satisfied sexually. :)

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