Smithfield Pa Single Men

  • man 50 y.o. from Smithfield, Pennsylvania, United States Single looking for a hookup near by. I don't chit chat. Want to get straight to it I'm James, I ride a Harley in the summer and a quad in the winter for fun. Let's have some fun

    Get ahold of me if you are interested in a hookup. I'm single and no strings attached no chatting. I have been stood up 2 times from the chit chat. Thought we were good.hell no. So if your interested get ahold of me

  • man 44 y.o. from Smithfield, Pennsylvania, United States honesty is a big factor in a successful relationship

    Well, first I would like to say, I am not christian. I am asatru. If that bothers you, sorry i will not change. I am honest, so i figured I would get that out of the way. I am father of 2 boys. I enjoy nature. I am a blacksmith in my spare time. I also enjoy music a lot. I listen to lot of ... view more

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