Summit Ms Single Women

  • woman 58 y.o. from Summit, Mississippi, United States Are there any Good Men left?

    Hello,I am Lisa dwf 47 looking for a Good,Honest man.I do not have drama in my life or play games.I want someone that will love me for who I am.I am lonely but Not Desperate.

  • woman 35 y.o. from Summit, Mississippi, United States I am fun and like to spend time with family and friends

    I like to spend time with family and friends, read, watch tv, i work and come home to my daughter. I only have one child for the time being. She is spoiled and a heart breaker

  • woman 61 y.o. from Summit, Mississippi, United States Are you gonna kiss me or what?

    I enjoy the little things in life like a sunset or sunrise, the smell of fresh cut grass, the sound of rain on a tin roof, going for leisure walks, or the way the spring breeze feels on my face. I like to think of myself as an adventurer. I like to sigtht-see, travel, and meet new people. There are ... view more

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