Thomasville Ga Single Women

  • woman 33 y.o. from Thomasville, Georgia, United States KIND CARING LOVING WOMEN

    I'm a white female who grew up in foster care. aged out the age of 21. I go to a non denominational church and I love it I grew up in the church throughout my childhood as well. I love children and I volunteered at a few daycares and summer camps in my teenage years. I even volunteered in a nursin... view more

  • woman 40 y.o. from Thomasville, Georgia, United States I'm different...

    Looking for someone nice to hang out with and see where it goes. I have two kids and I don't plan on having anymore. I'm a registered nurse and I love it. I want to meet someone with goals in life. I'm very outgoing so you must be as well to keep up...

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