Wellston Single Men

  • man 54 y.o. from Wellston, Ohio, United States In quaerere de femina fidelis, ut et in saecula saeculorum diligit foveat.

    Hi...I'm 47 yrs. old kinda shy and live in Wellston, Oh. I'm looking for mature woman to love and have stimulating intellectual conversations with. Translating this will tell you everything.. In quaerere de fide mulieri tempus terere in aeternum. 49 66 20 79 6f 75 72 20 69 6e 74 65 72 65 73 74... view more

  • man 60 y.o. from Wellston, Ohio, United States lets talk

    Not into bars or night clubs. I like yard sales, antiques, woodworking, history, sitting outside, taking drives and going to historical places. I like simple things.

  • man 35 y.o. from Wellston, Ohio, United States I'm seeking for a woman that loves me for me!!!!!

    My name is Steven Lee PLummer. I'm not able too work, but I get SSI. $674.00. I have mental issues. I have schoafftive disorder. I want a woman too love me for me.

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Wellston Single Men

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