Windsor Pa Single Men

  • man 30 y.o. from Windsor, Pennsylvania, United States Looking for someone to be .... buddies

    I'm 22 and have lots of energy and need to fill some needs. I'm a nice guy. I work with small engines all the time. I'm not very social with other people around me so I don't meet many women that arnt already dating someone. Message me if you want to be .... buddies.

  • man 43 y.o. from Windsor, Pennsylvania, United States farming and fighting fire is what I do

    Hard working farmer with 2 kids and a volunteer fireman. I dont get much free time because I am very dedicated to my job. The little time I do get, I spend at the fire house and with my family.

  • man 39 y.o. from Windsor, Pennsylvania, United States A good man looking for a good woman.

    My name is Will. I am 26 years old. I currently work for the state of Maryland as a mailroom employee. I live in Pennsylvania but I spend most of my time in Baltimore with Work Monday-Friday and either working overtime or strictly leisure on Saturdays. Sunday is the only day I stay in Pennsylvania a... view more

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