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bLOnde BoMBshell NeedS DisARminG
I am a Woman
From WARRINGTON, United Kingdom
Age 50 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a man, 25-44 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

New to this so here goes.. 35 almost 36 yo single mum of 3 kids, looking to find someone to love and cherish me for me, obviously long term love my kids too.
I'm blonde, bubbly, typically dizzy but untypically bright too! 5'3 small and curvy so if that's your thing read on if not then i'm prob not your type. I'd say I was attractive but certainly no supermodel and certainly no minger either.
:D :D
My 'type' of man??? Well i'd love to think Kelly Jones from the phonics was online.. hmmmm but on a serious note I've not really got a 'type' just someone attractive in my eyes doesn't have to gorgeous, but something there. Personality is key. Looks fade personality doesn't. What's the point in having a fantastic looking parther in life when there's nothing upstairs Ha ha.
My ideal first date ?? prob ten pin bowling so I can whip your asse (or at least try), a few drinks and perhaps a bite to eat :wink: :wink:
Anyway if you like what you've read drop me line to find out more.

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