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Looking for new friends, and maybe more!
I am a Man
From Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Age 40 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman, 18-30 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

Well, I decided to update what it is I have to say about myself... I can tell you right now, this is going to entail quite a lot of reading, so if you are not up to it, I would recommend that you find another less interesting person to read about.

Firstly I guess that I will talk on my personality. I happen to be the type of person that requires vocal communication. Though reading body language is fun, I prefer to analyze the spoken word, because it runs so much in conjunction with what you are saying with your body. There is so much more that can be said with words that cannot be said without. Someone once said that we are the "Speaking Being" we define our lives with the words that we say, so in lack of verbal communication, how well can you define your life right? My personality demands that you come up front, if you try to put on a "mask" you find it rather difficult to maintain a relationship with me. I don't even have to say anything, it just happens that people who are putting on a front, cannot stand to be around me. I happen to only demand 2 things from friends and loved ones, and can realize that sometimes the demands can bee a little high to attain, but they are as follows.

1.) [/u]Honesty and Loyalty.[/u]
I give it to you off the get, and expect it in return. I am brutally honest, but then the truth only hurts once right? As for loyalty, all of my friends can attest, I will move heaven and earth for you. It is just how I am.

2.) [/u]Be a better person than you were yesterday[/u]
I always strive to better myself, through knowledge and actions. As I am never satisfied with past accomplishments, and always try to one up myself. I feel that is a good demand for a friend. Because if you remain complacent, comfortable in the mediocrity of your life, you remain a mediocre person, and that I cannot tolerate. There is ALWAYS room to improve on the person that you are without changing your core personality.

I am not looking for a woman that completes me. I am a whole person, and would be fine just by myself. What I AM looking for is someone that compliments my life, that adds that, and pardon the musical metaphor, that adds that final harmony to the symphony that is my life. Once you come to the realization that you really do not need someone to make you happy, but want someone to add to the joy that you have from life already, I believe that the relationship that blossoms from that knowledge is so much more fulfilling than a relationship based on completion.

I do happen to be a musician, I play guitar, piano, and am a classically trained tenor. I have sung in French, English, Spanish, Italian, Italian, and Latin. I prefer to sing pieces from the Baroque period, because they happen to be the most vocally challenging. I listen to just about everything though, jazz and American metal being my favorites.

*I love film, being that I do not watch much TV.

*I love football, but only watch Collegiate.

*My true passion is really to become a minister. (this doesn't mean that I am going to preach at you though.)

*My faith is truly the most important thing in my life.

*I am a Messianic Jew, but Jew nonetheless.

*I do have a criminal past, but then it is the past.

If you want to know anything else, just ask, and I will be more than happy to answer you.

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  • Looking for new friends, and maybe more!
  • Looking for new friends, and maybe more!
  • Looking for new friends, and maybe more!
  • Looking for new friends, and maybe more!
  • Looking for new friends, and maybe more!
  • Looking for new friends, and maybe more!

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