
looking for a workout partner or friends
I am a Man
From Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Age 34 y.o.
Body type Average
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Baptist
Marital status Single
Children No
Want children Yes
Education High School graduate
Occupation Military/Law Enforcement
Speak English, German, French
Income $10,000-$30,000/year
Smoker No
Drinker No
I look for a woman any ethnicity for activity partner, friendship, relationship, casual, travel partner, pen pal
Last login: hidden

More about me:

Michael, looking for Friends,people just to hang with, maybe a relationship Training to be an officer. Working some night shifts. Speak german, french, learning russian, and spanish basics. Familly is part German. I might consider a relationship, if you are too.. I want someone who has a lot of interest and likes learning new things, like i do. Someone who wouldn't mind going to a gun range. I don't ask for much. And yes i do like to have fun, Just send me an email. If your not looking to hook-up its fine, friends are good for me! (No immature money hungry older women, i know you see a uniform and think cash, don't think that about me. I will take you out, but i'm not giving you all of my money.) IF YOU LIKE WORKING OUT AND WANT A WORKOUT PARTNER EMAIL ME

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  • looking for a workout partner or friends
  • looking for a workout partner or friends
  • looking for a workout partner or friends

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