And what do you want to know?
I am a Man
From Abbeville, Louisiana, United States
Age 47 y.o.
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Athletic
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Other
Marital status Single
Children 1
Want children Maybe
Education Some college
Occupation Oilfield Inspector
Speak English
Income $50,000-$70,000/year
Smoker Often
Drinker Rarely
I look for a woman, 18-44 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

I live in a big, beautiful brick home on 3 acres of land on the outskirts of all the major cities in this area. I like going out but seldom do because I don't like going out alone. My home town and all the people I was raised with are about 300 miles from where I live now. So I know very few people in this area. My tattoos show my rebel side but I do have a respectable job as an inspector in the oilfield industry. I am also a single father with soul custody of my 8-year-old son. My son and I raise pit bulls. Did your mouth just drop? Don't believe what you hear. Believe in what you know. And I know pit bulls to be very friendly and loving animals. At this time we have 9 adults and 12 puppies. I have one male that has won 6 show ribbons, another male who has won 3 show ribbons and a female that has won 2. I am an older man who has come to realize it's better to have fun while you still can because one day you won't be able to. Enough writing. If you're interested, send a message.

More photos of me:

  • Me at work
  • Me and my son
  • Me and one of the pups I produced
  • Me with Azul. When this boy inters the show ring he's bringing something home.
  • Me when I don't shave
  • Back in the day
  • Connor And I Trick Or Treating
  • Connor and I waiting for some Pizza
  • 7-1-03 is the day Connor came into my life
  • 2-28-09 Me at Daytona Bike Week
  • Taking a break on an offshore job.
  • Connor and I with Azul after he won his 1st show ribbon
  • I am a Dog Man
  • Time to get muddy
  • Me and 2 pups outside our barn

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