
Looking for that Speacial Someone :) xx
I am a Man
From Swansea, United Kingdom
Age 53 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman, 28-43 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

Well...lets start with.".Im here!!", looking for someone to chat with, be friends with, Date and hopefuly have a relationsip with. I have a little 10yr old son "he's a little devil in an Angels" and he lives with his Mum.

I used to work as a manager in a home that provides support for individuals with varied forms of mental health diagnosis until recently being made redundant due to staff cuts "Grrr!!" i had been doing this job for seven years, "phew!! was it that long...doh!!", SO!! i am at the moment looking for work :o( before that i was a fabricator welder..and all my other jobs before that were hard working hands on i've not always been a pen pusher

I am very good with my hands "get that dirty thought out of you head!", and like to takle any jobs myself..even if they dont always work out, I always do what i'm told.".hang the picture up, fix the toilet, change the bulb...LOL!!"

I can drive and i got my own car, "so could pick u up tonight!!"

I like all types of music, charts, dance, rock, R&B, reggae and of course..the 80's

before going "to get into the mood"
While drunk..anything with a beat and can keep me up dancin :)
next day..anything to sooth the pounding in my

well i suppose i'm looking for the kind of girl that does not want to be messed around, or mess anybody alse around. Good relationships are hard enough to come by without people hurting each other's feelings and then thinking its all a waste of time and there's no such thing as Mr, or Mrs right around the corner.

So...i'd say that i'm looking for a person thats not affraid to take that first step...1, get to know each other a bit (chat, TXT, phone), 2, Agree to meet (go for a drink, cinema, meal, walk...), and see where it goes from there...if it's not to be "then let each other know Respectfully".

i would like there to be that tingly feeling you get when you see someone you realy like and would like to get to know better..".u know what i mean".

When i like someone i like to be in it for the long run and i hope they are's so hard these days to find someone that can really make you smile, so! if u make me smile...i aint letting go lol! :)

I'm also the kinda guy that likes to be seen out with someone i like, i'm not affraid to go window shopping and help pick out clothes and underwear lol!! I feel proud when people look and i'd think.."yep..she's with" a nutshell the person i'd love to find on here is Anyone who can love, and wants to be loved, anyone who likes to laugh and smile, anyone who thinks of other peoples feelings and likes to be respected, anyone who's adventurous and knows what they want and anyone who would like to be put first and not taken for a ride :) x

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