
looking for white men only
I am a Woman
From Russells Point, Ohio, United States
Age 53 y.o.
Height 5'0" - 5'3" (151-160cm)
Body type Ample
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Atheist
Marital status Separated
Children 1
Want children No
Occupation disabled retired
Speak English
Smoker Often
Drinker Often
I look for a man, 30-51 y.o. any ethnicity for activity partner, casual, pen pal
Preferable body type Average
Last login: hidden

More about me:

i am 5'0 a little meat on my bones. i have red hair down to my shoulders. i have very blue bedroom eyes. i am disabled. i am not in wheelchair. looing for people my age disabled or not as long as you don't have problem that i am disabled

About my ideal partner:

looking for white male. someone that will not give me a hard time in my life. i am disable. have been for the 12 years. not looking for more stress in my life. just want to be happy and stress free. hope to meet people from all over. my best times of the year spring summer and fall. one day i want go where is warm most of the year. hope to hear you

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