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Shipmate Seeks Captain
I am a Woman
From Dallas, Georgia, United States
Age 43 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a man, 24-34 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

I currently work at a local coffee shop and go to school full time. Within the next 6 months I will finally become a Surgical Tech! I am always up for a good time, doing anything that has purpose. People either love me or they hate me, either way, I'm me, simple as that! I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I love going out as much as I love staying home. Love me some football "Black and Yellow" baby!! I LOVE being Outdoors. When things in my life get crazy, I love to roll the windows down, turn the radio up, and just drive. I wouldn’t trade my family and friends for the world and they are everything to me. Life is about having fun and enjoying EVERY moment, too short to live it any other way. I am probably one of the most loyal people you will ever meet and I can keep a secret for life. Fun is the most important part in any relationship, friends, or boyfriends, you've got to be able to smile and have fun together, through anything... My son is seriously my life; he keeps me with both feet on the ground... Music is my current boyfriend and the best kind at the moment! Seriously, music gets "ME" through anything, and I listen to all types. I HATE people that are "Fake" and the ones who "Use" others just to get by!!! Overall, I know everything happens for a reason, even if the outcome isn't what you had hoped for. LIFE is truly "Amazing" and I wouldn't change a thing.

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