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I am a Man
From Rice lake, Wisconsin, United States
Age 68 y.o.
Height 6'0" - 6'3" (181-190cm)
Body type Cuddly
Ethnicity Caucasian
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Education BA/BS (4 years college)
Speak English
Smoker No
I look for a woman, 24-71 y.o. any ethnicity for relationship, romance, casual, travel partner, pen pal
Last login: hidden

More about me:

Live on a lake, time spend on the water pontooning with a margarita. Have always open car doors, dinner ready, flowers, surprise getaways. Really looking for my partner to share whatever the world gives us, . Been on the WATER WATER for 23 years now. So enjoy a little bit of the girlie girl, it gives me time for a second Wine. Miss that person to walk the beaches at sunset. I spend a lot time in my flower GARDENS. Have gotten use to being single, no problem with it, but butt..., miss having someone to watch a movie by the fire with a glass of wine. Going to the theater, . Dining out is so much more enjoyable having someone to share it with. No fun buying flowers for oneself, or very hard to give myself a back rub, or those soft kisses on the back of the neck....Brian

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