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sweet and southern
I am a Woman
From Springdale, Arkansas, United States
Age 43 y.o.
Height 5'0" - 5'3" (151-160cm)
Body type Ample
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Spiritual
Marital status Separated
Children 3
Want children No matters
Education Some college
Occupation not working right now
Speak English
Smoker Often
Drinker Rarely
I look for a man, 25-50 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance, casual, travel partner
Last login: hidden

More about me:

Hi, I'm Maegan and this is my first time on this dating site. I've tried others and made one really good friend. Just not someone I could have a longterm relationship with. Let me start by saying I'm looking to meet new people in my area and the bar scene isn't really my thing. I have been married before and I have three children. I'm a southern girl and proud of my heritage. I'm not looking to get married again anytime soon but I do like the idea of having a meaningful relationship with. I live in reality and I don't like to play games. I don't want drama or added stress in my life. Life is too short to not enjoy. The past is gone and tomorrow isn't promised. I live for right now. I love to laugh and have fun. I think I have a sense off humor. I find a man that can make me laugh very attractive. I tend to make light of most situations. Seriousness is not my strong suit. I'm add so I tend to be unorganized and I lose things often. I wish you all the best of luck and I'm excited to start meeting new people. :D

About my ideal partner:

I'm looking for someone that's sweet, funny, good hygiene, intelligent, cultured, fun, and secure with themselves and knows how to enjoy life. Someone who is happy with life. A realist.

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