
Looking for a real man
I am a Woman
From Homer, Georgia, United States
Age 58 y.o.
Height 5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
Body type Cuddly
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Baptist
Marital status Separated
Children 1
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
Smoker Often
Drinker Rarely
I look for a man, 35-50 y.o. any ethnicity for activity partner, friendship, relationship, romance, casual
Preferable height 6'4" (191cm) or above
Last login: hidden

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I'm trying this site to see if there are any real men left one who doesn't just want nude pics or to talk dirty with me. I am a southern belle looking for a long term relationship.
Is there any such man out there?

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